Some people
write for riches Some people write for fame But I cannot do either So
I humbly write my name
Pte. M. Kershaw. Ist Battalion. Border
Tommy had a
little wound His bandage looked so nice That everywhere he went in
Malvern They let him in half-price.
Pte. R. Mitchell 4th
Battalion. Royal Berks. 30.11.16
When I listed -
a braw Scotch laddie - They gie'd me a tartan kilt, Wi hues like a
Paisley pladie Displayed on a patchwork quilt. But noo, doon the lines I
warkie Like a grizzly bear arrayed, For ah'm Jock o' the clan
McKhaki In the hobble-skirt brigade.
They've khakied
ma braw Scotch bonnet, They've khakied ma pipe-clayed spats, Ah've a
khaki belt an' beyon' it A sporran of khaki mats. Ah'v a coat wi khaki
cord on, But O! whaur ma kiltie joins Can I look like a gay gay
Gordon Wi a sackcloth round ma loins?
Should you hear
on the field o' battle, Abune o' the crash o' shells, Abune o' the
cannon's rattle An' the hearty English yells, Abune the machine-gun's
barkie A cheer that your ear drums crack, It's Jock o' the clan
McKhaki Who's gotten his kiltie back.
10627 Corporal J. Burns, 2nd
Battalion, The Gordon Highlanders. (Wounded at Ypres on 29th October
Oh! to wake on
some fair morning with the knowledge, 'Nevermore shall the bloody tide of
battle break on European shore!' And to know the fuller freedom, long the
nation's great desire, Doth enfold earth with a glory born of Brotherhood's
fire. From the hearts of mighty cities, to the island of the sea, In a
lustre like the sunshine, earth is drenched in liberty. Whilst the joyous
years roll onwards 'till the Golden Age is won. And the dream is dreamt no
longer for the greatest deed is done.
Pte. R.. Il. I. Hill. April
Ye nymphs,
oppress'd by Wor'ster's stagnant air, To Malvern's high aerial walks
repair, Where springs, and gales, their mutual aid dispense, To purge the
blood, and quicken every sense; Here the pale face its former tints
resumes, And every charm with fresher beauty blooms; Haste, then, ye
nymphs, and range awhile at large, So shall ye save for paint an annual
All taken
from Malvern Between
the Wars by Frederick Covins c.1981 |